Build teams with custom parameters, and assess and improve their effectiveness with peer evaluations and other activities.

To begin using this tool, request an instructor account and enter your UVA email address and departmental information.

How can CATME enhance teaching and learning?

  • By combining automation with customizable parameters to facilitate the creation of more diverse and equitable teams
  • By training students to collaborate more effectively with their colleagues through a multifaceted approach to teamwork
  • By identifying teams that may be experiencing difficulties to allow instructors to intervene and assist


Availability and Licensing


This tool is available to all faculty, staff, and students throughout the University, including the academic division and the University Health System.


This tool is available to all faculty, staff, and students affiliated with the organization that has purchased the license.


Access to this tool is available through a dedicated website or application.

Student Cost:

This tool does not require any additional purchase from students.


Ease of Setup
Ease of Use
Features and Options
Pedagogical Impact
Submit Rating


Despite my poor scores for CATME, I have not found anything better.
Mike Momot
I use CATME for team building and the automated collection and aggregation of peer assessment data from those teams. It seems like each or both of those could be implemented as undergraduate research projects/capstones in CS and we could just have scripts for use internally and not need to worry about licensing CATME anymore? But there may be more complex functionality others are using I am not familiar with.
Gary Koenig
I rely on this tool to collect information about team formation and team performance. I've not encountered a better software for completing these tasks.
George Prpich
The class list file is always a challenge. Once you have your class uploaded, it is easy to use.
Valerie Bass
I have used CATME for three semesters for a high stakes team project in a class of 70+ students. CATME requires some preparation to use effectively. However, I have found that the upfront investment pays off in the form of more satisfying, less frustrating teamwork experiences for students. A few students have told me that the teams created by CATME were the best of their careers.
Kevin Driscoll
Arts & Sciences
Submit Review

Specifications and Support

This tool has provided a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) or other resources that summarize its compliance with important accessibility standards.

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This tool conforms to the University’s regulations for data privacy and protection.

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Platform Requirements

CATME has not posted any technical requirements for Mac devices. This typically indicates that the tool should function normally in current versions of commonly used web browsers.


CATME has not posted any technical requirements for Windows devices. This typically indicates that the tool should function normally in current versions of commonly used web browsers.


CATME has not posted any technical requirements for mobile devices.

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